Thinking about the last few postings, I’d like to make some suggestions for the future.
Valerie sensed that we might need a break for a while, so I wondered whether, rather than having a few months ‘off’, we might adopt a bi-monthly book instead, at least for the time being. What do you think? It would suit me with my ‘to read’ shelf groaning with, as I write, 14 books to be read, and that’s not counting ones I want to re-read. Though of course, one of those I’ll choose for June (or July?)
Helen wondered if we needed new members, as we seem to have shrunk somewhat. I have a friend who might well be interested, but haven’t suggested her as I’ve always viewed TIS as Emily’s project. What do you think E? And if ‘yes’, what process should we use?
Finally, I sometimes desperately need someone else to read something I’m reading or have just finished, to help me make sense of it or just to share. If we go to one book per 2 months, would that leave us space for occasional ‘stop press’ postings – I suggest Stop! Read! The person in literary distress could simply post their request for other readers to read whatever it is – my most recent candidate would be Oranges and Lemons by Wendy Wallace, though Emily actually filled that breach for me.
I await you responses