Together in Spirit

An online reading group ('TIS a reading group!) to bring together friends, and friends of friends, who aren't able to be in a conventional reading group due to constraints of time or geography.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oct/Nov Choice

I'm proposing for Oct/Nov that we read 'Noughts and Crosses' by Malorie Blackman. It's the first of a trilogy (so if we're keen there's more) for teens (much like the Meg Rosoff) so hopefully should be light-ish reading for those of us with sleep deprivation!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not alchemy...

... But interesting to have us all more or less agreeing on something!

Now look, I'm not getting into any post-birth-recovery competitions with YOU, Mrs Impeccable Entertaining After Giving Birth Shields. Especially when the books which you've been reading ahead of the month's choice are such worthwhile ones. Scarcely airport novels, are they? Me, I stopped reading once John's paternity leave stopped, and real life resumed... But I hope to start reading again some time after I resume sleeping.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I echo Valerie S's sentiments. Having not read the blurb I thought the book started with gentle promise but was ultimately very disappointing. Coehlo had interestingly combined aspects of Sufism, Christian mysticism and Platonic philosophy in the very beginning but this quickly degenerated into Disney-like spirituality of the "listen to your heart" variety. The discovery of gold as the final treasure was truly terrible - had he learnt nothing? It also didn't make sense of the rest of the plot, afterall, he had success and wealth back with the crystal merchant and again at the oasis. I could have even have bought into a post-modern 'the journey was the destination' ending otherwise immortality was the very least he deserved.

A lot more 'magic' needed to turn this book into gold!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Paulo Coelho

This little story is written in the style of a fable and I found that by jettisoning cynicism and entering into its spirit, it was quite enjoyable. Although there were a few good thoughts that were worth remembering, it was not sufficiently profound to make one feel that the read was really worth while.
There were some rather tiresome pages with frequent use of the cumbersome Soul of the World and Language of the World and it was rather repetitious. Generally, the style was simple and light and an easy read. The treasure turns out to be traditional gold and jewels which was rather a let down. I thought it would be something more spiritual. I too, will be unlikely to read another by this author.