Together in Spirit

An online reading group ('TIS a reading group!) to bring together friends, and friends of friends, who aren't able to be in a conventional reading group due to constraints of time or geography.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Hi all. Sorry for the long silence - computer prob's and then life in general. I haven't read How I live now or Counselling for Toads yet although Emily has lent me the latter. I have had counselling myself and some training in counselling techniques so I'm keen to see how Toad gets on.

I wanted also to reply to an earlier post on chick-lit fiction which I love for when I can't cope with a 'serious' book (most of the time lately) and also to let you know that I'm into 4 figure page numbers on A Suitable Boy. I'm finding the political stuff a bit wearing but I'm desperate to know how everything works out. I've really enjoyed getting to know all the characters but I wish he wouldn't refer to some by their full title (e.g. Mrs Rupa Mehra) all the time.

Best wishes to you all.